Dellinger's Grist Mill

Dellinger's Grist Mill
Dellinger's Grist Mill - Cane Creek Rd, Bakersville, North Carolina

About 6,684 Feet

Welcome to 6,684 Feet!  6,684 feet is the elevation of Mount Mitchell, the tallest peak east of the Mississippi river.  It tops the Black Mountain Range in Western North Carolina.  I grew up within hiking distance of Mount Mitchell in Black Mountain, NC and I have always found inspiration from the mountains.

Whether admiring mountain peaks from the valley, riding to the heights on mountain roads, or working to reach a summit on foot, the mountains gave me clarity, hope, and the enthusiasm to dream.  When we reach a summit with a view, we find a new perspective and we gain a different and broader understanding of the valleys, hills, ridges, roads, rivers, and towns that lay below.  All at once, we can see the complexity and connectedness of the world around us.

What we gain from this experience is not limited to what we find at the top of the mountain, but it's found also in the process of reaching a summit especially if we travel by foot. A good hike will clear the mind, quicken our hearts, and challenge us beyond our comfort zones.  It allows us to put away the noise of our daily lives and find those things that really matter.  I return from a good hike with a clarity of purpose and renewed energy to press on in my life's endeavors.

This blog is a place to share some of the lessons learned from walking through the valleys and climbing the peaks. And, it's a place to share the occasional insights gained when a summit is reached and the view made clear.